/* * FormHint 1.0 - jQuery Plugin * http://www.smartango.com/ * Copyright (c) 2009 Daniele Cruciani * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses */ ;(function($){ $.fn.formHint = function(){ $(this).each(function(){ var formel = $(this); var pos = formel.offset(); var hintstr = formel.attr('title'); var h = formel.outerHeight(); var w = formel.outerWidth(); var divhint = $("
").html(hintstr) .css({ position:'absolute', top: pos.top, left: pos.left, width: w, height: h, opacity: '0.4', //'filter':'alpha(opacity = 50)', 'padding': '2px', 'font-family':formel.css('form-family'), 'font-weight':formel.css('font-weight'), 'font-size':formel.css('font-size'), 'display':'none', 'overflow':'hidden', 'white-space':'pre', 'z-index':'2000' }); formel.after(divhint); if(formel.val()==''){ divhint.css('display','block'); } divhint.click(function(){$(this).css('display','none');formel.focus();}); formel.focus(function(){ divhint.css('display','none'); }); formel.blur(function(){ if(formel.val()==''){ divhint.css('display','block'); } }); }); return this; } })(jQuery);