Month: June 2013

  • Commissione europea e open standard … source … cosa?

    Punto informatico ( and ( talks about an direction approved by European Commission on adoption of open standars, then later, they use open source, as synonimous. Some time ago I had an argue in linkedin during which I sustained that public administration should adopt opensource software because it is open and cheap, a microsoft supporter…

  • Upload a javascript as attachment to drupal entity (and run it) … and what is it munge?

    I am in the need to attach javascript code to my content for tech blog purpose, and give capability to run it by visitors. Do you think there are security concerns? Me no. PHP filter is there in Drupal core from the begin, and it was not a security concern, unless you give permission to…

  • Unesco World Heritage List

    Ok, following I can not find a good export of unesco world heritage sites, interested in Italy. first step is to download xml format (, use an online service to translate to csv (, save it (download), then transform from dos to unix, import in libreoffice calc (google docs does not work), saved as ods format,…