Smartango: coding or wording (or asking?)

  • Homebrew spam: una di quelle cose che passano inosservate

    Mi arriva una email: Buongiorno, sono Rinco Simplicio e vivo in provincia di Smaragnao. La contatto perché mi occupo di aggiornare i siti internet e comunicare le iniziative che riguardano il lavoro della mia famiglia, quello che noi chiamiamo “Il mondo dei Cretini”. Una piccola presentazione delle nostre varie attività è presente a questo indirizzo Il motivo…

  • OpenDataDay Marche

    Questa mattina ore 10.20 circa. (arrivo in ritardo)  Si parla di opendata e come questo sia importante per la diffusione dei dati riguardanti l’offerta formativa, e le informazioni di carattere scientifico che le università devono e vogliono diffondere. In particolare sta parlando un rappresentante della università di Camerino, e sta parlando dei dati scientifici, come…

  • Step of api first methodology: a tag system

    I refer to . The idea is, after wrote the stories needed to define interaction, and thus functions, of the system we are going to implement, the next step is to define an api, then proceed with API definition, then implement backend, frontend, and cycle this way redefining stories (or adding), refining api, change frontend and…

  • 3SUM algorithm tweak this is the algorithm. I just thought that I can start from the middle, the rationale is that I have the work done not to be due. I wrote down the value of an example and try to iterate on the outer cycle starting from middle (max value + min value) then down to the…

  • Parallelize PHP script … or at least sort of it with curl parallel

    PHP is not a parallel capable programming language (someone would argue it is hard to state that PHP is a [anything]-capable programming language at all), but there are area where this could be parallelized some way. And these are the active waiting routine. The ideal scenario for a trival pseudo parallelization is a bundle of…

  • Solved my problem with knockout

    Using a model with nested observable array I did not know how to refer to self in a event handler (click) on a element in a cycle on that observableArray … function subObject(data,index) { var self = this; self._index = index; // … } function MyWholeModel() { var self = this; self.subObjects = ko.observableArray([]); self.currentSubobj…

  • Static method and testable code

    Following this discussion enlight me on use of static methods and relation with TDD, what I learned so far is that is better to define a collection class implementing a collection interface, which has method that operate on collection of object, if this is the intend of the use of static methods. Example: Interface…

  • ZCE: PHP 5.3 Zend Certificated Engineer. The exam: a more extensive report.

    First of all, I have to pay some money to take it, so I tried to get information about this exam. I already have a book (ZEND PHP 5 Certification STUDY GUIDE, php|architect series), but certificate I was looking for is for 5.3, so I googled it. This is the more dated document (as far…

  • Zend Certification: ZCE PHP 5.3

    Zend Certification: ZCE PHP 5.3

    I just passed Zend Certification exam for PHP 5.3 . It means I have paid Zend, first of all. They gave me a printed paper (phisical paper) with instruction on what I can do. It says I can use Zend Certified Engineer icon found in on my CV and site. This is the one that…

  • Some Terms: Registry Pattern, object hash

    I would talk about a pattern whose name I fail to know before, giving it the name of multi-singleton. Registry pattern I read about it in PHP 5 certification study guide from php|architect’s series. This is the example given: class Registry { private static $_register; public static function add(&$item, $name = null) { if (is_object($item)…

Got any book recommendations?