Category: Senza categoria

  • My beloved DevOps tool, gnu make

    Oh, yes, there is a lot of tool around for Really DevOps(TM). But I just want to automate the task to sync remote folders with my working tree, anything else is managed with git, and that’s fine. So I thought: rsync + fuse (file system user level mounting, I hate to launch filezilla or similae)…

  • Qualche difficoltà nel capire nel php l’implementazione della closure

    In javascript tutto è più semplice. Ora sto usando/imparando Phalcon e il secondo esempio/tutorial è strambo un bel po’ (INVO). Definisce una class Services, derivata da \Base\Services, a sua volta derivata da \Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault. In \Base\Services è definito un metodo, bindServices(), che cicla sui metodi definiti per la classe stessa, controllando che abbiano almeno 4 lettere, e…

  • DBus vs ZeroMQ

    Cerco un message system. Quello che vorrei è poter sottoscrivere un servizio e ricevere i messaggi, oppure semplicemente chiedere ad un processo con diritti maggiori alcune informazioni o di compiere azioni, senza dover aprire una porta tcp e gestire tutto a mano. Devo fare delle azioni sull’hardware e penso che forse DBus già ha qualcosa…

  • wordpress do not redirect after post

    Problem seems to be reported here and there, but I can not found what I really need to fix this during the morning: … nope, nothing. I found this: and second reply:   add_action( ‘wp_loaded’, ‘wpa76991_process_form’ ); function wpa76991_process_form(){ if( isset( $_POST[‘my_form_widget’] ) ): // process form, and then wp_redirect( get_permalink( $pid…

  • javascript Promise chaining: augmenting the unique argument

    There are two things that, IMHO, make code cleaner when using Promises Idioma: use an unique object argument (and its attributes as you would use argument legacy) return resolve with the object given as argument augmented by attribute of the action executed by the function i.e., say I want to ask db for data about…

  • Cifratura simmetrica, un discorso campato in aria

    E quando poi si parla di algoritmi di cifratura simmetrici, si dice che c’è bisogno dello scambio sicurodella chiave di decodifica, e, i più, a questo punto si tacciono. E tra i più c’ero anch’io. Di fatto lo scambio sicuro della chiave può essere fatto su di un canale differe, ad esempio tramite un database, ad…

  • wordpress where tinymce is the default editor

    wordpress where tinymce is the default editor

    Interacting with tinymce in wp is possible: because tinymce is a default editor (plugin I developed for downloading offers from shoppydoo, a price comparator service: ) The extension generate a tag that will be parsed and recognized by the backend plugin, replacing it with a parsed xml coming from price comparator service. Revenues are accredited…

  • SQL order by grouping children of the same parent (one generation)

    I am assuming there is only a generation, so I want to order the result from a db table with (id,parent_id) structure implementing the parent-child internal relationship, ie:   Table name: catogories id parent_id name int int varchar(100)       So, I found some hint here, and here, but actually I did wrote my solution…

  • A simple excursion on jQuery’s promises

    Using Kriskoval‘s q version of promise I was in trouble when I required promises for a browser application based on jQuery (+more). After a while I found it exists promise in jQuery too, and is not so different in use. (ok, Kriskoval would arguments on this, and of course he is right, but it is not so different…

  • a tricky tip on indending php&javascript mixed code

    What I mean is the autoindent function of some editor that do not understand mixed code language. PHP and Javascript couple is special:   <script> var myJson = /*<?php if($THIS && $that) { ?>*/ <?php echo json_encode($that); ?> /*<?php } else { ?>*/ <?php echo json_encode($those); ?> /*<?php } ?>*/ var isOk = false; /*<?php…