Tag: php
Dive into (useless?) uncovered case of multistage dockerfile
Looking at the upstream documentation of Multi-stage builds there are some examples but this is missing: Ok, I mean, the example by itself is useless, but “it works”. Try: docker build -f Dockerfile -t copiedfrom-rust:v0.1 . Then: docker run -it copiedfrom-rust:v0.1 sh Real use case scenario Lets get serious now: why? Suppose you are inside…
Parallelize PHP script … or at least sort of it with curl parallel
PHP is not a parallel capable programming language (someone would argue it is hard to state that PHP is a [anything]-capable programming language at all), but there are area where this could be parallelized some way. And these are the active waiting routine. The ideal scenario for a trival pseudo parallelization is a bundle of…