Tag: jenkins

  • Dive into (useless?) uncovered case of multistage dockerfile

    Dive into (useless?) uncovered case of multistage dockerfile

    Looking at the upstream documentation of Multi-stage builds there are some examples but this is missing: Ok, I mean, the example by itself is useless, but “it works”. Try: docker build -f Dockerfile -t copiedfrom-rust:v0.1 . Then: docker run -it copiedfrom-rust:v0.1 sh Real use case scenario Lets get serious now: why? Suppose you are inside…

  • My 2 days Journey on moving services to a swarm

    I work for starsellersworld.com, I wanted my company start to use tool for tracking project development in a centralized way, Jira was expensive as resource, and I can not ask such a step, so I asked a machine were to run Redmine. Then it cames the gogs, and, after little time, Jenkins. A number of…

  • git-merge: the github conference

    This is the list and summary of talks of the conference day, what last on me. The future of free software. In this talk Deb Nicholson talk about free software and the future. First of all she describe future, first by its view as a young girl, then using words from William Gibson: “The future…

  • Lo sporco lavoro del CI/CD e DevOps

    Ora racconto una storia. Beh, la faccio breve, si è fatta una certa.   Da quando c’è bisogno di rilasciare il software in tempo reale sono stati scritti diversi software di supporto per fare lo sporco lavoro di: eseguire test, impacchettare, distribuire i pacchetti nei vari server di destinazioni. Uno di questi è Jenkins, scritto in…